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Consider Liz Your Dog Coach!

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Liz will help further your understanding of how to provide what your dog needs most. We offer two hour one on one lessons held in your home or on location of your choice.  You will be your dogs lead trainer while we coach you through the steps of how to teach each behavior.  At the end of each session you will be given specific tasks to work on before your next appointment, which is usually 7-10 days later.  You set the pace and decide when you’re ready to connect again.

*For maximum benefit of your investment, Coaching is best suited for dogs without existing behavior concerns and owners that have the time and energy to dedicate to the teaching process


  • Sessions are 2 hours for a comprehensive experience

  • Location of your choice

  • Pay per session - No package purchase requirement

  • Flexible and convenient scheduling

  • Easy to implement tips and instructions between sessions